Just my luck I had four older brothers growing up. It wasn’t
all bad, I learned a lot about being a teenager from them, like how to be
competitive, throw parties, buy booze, fight acne, and
date girls, plus I also had access to their porn stash. At summer camp during
junior high, I was known for my ability to draw incredibly realistic nude
woman, which I had copied from issues of Penthouse and Playboy magazine. I also had two sisters, and would cut
out photos from their cherished Cosmo and Seventeen magazines, as well as ads
for lingerie from The New York Times Magazine, the one with the crossword
puzzle my dad completed every Sunday.
As a young trans girl I was fixated and enthralled by
pictures of women and pasted their images in a notebook that I kept under my
mattress, next to few porn magazines, a copy of Are There you God, it’s me
Margaret, stolen from the school library, and items of women’s clothes, hiding
them and my desires from my family, living in fear of being found out.
The stowed away garments usually included bras and panties
borrowed from my mother and two sisters and the colorful catalogs and glossy
magazines provided me an abundant amount of examples to admire. I learned about
style, shape, and size. I also noticed how lingerie fit and looked on different
body types. Unfortunately, none of the women look like me, or I didn’t look
them. Either way, puberty was inevitable, and when it finally happened, the
fury of testosterone coursing through my blood felt like a runaway train going
in the wrong direction. My body betrayed me, and confusion and anxiety about my
identity firmly took hold for the next 30 years.

It wasn’t until I was 44 years old, a time when many women
are on the verge of menopause, that I embraced my identity and began to
medically transition, which for me included taking female hormones. Like
Margaret, the title character in the aforementioned novel, I was a late
bloomer, but better late than never. It was then my breasts started to show their first signs of
growth. And while I remember them being
very sensitive and sore, I was ecstatic. They felt so right to me, like I was
supposed to have them all along.
Gender Dysphoria is a diagnostic term that describes a
person’s strong, persistent feelings that their body does not reflect their
gender identity. The symptoms can include severe distress, anxiety, and
depression. These can be so
intense, that they interfere with everyday tasks, like getting dressed, going
to school, working, and interacting socially. Beyond therapy, some trans folks,
if they’re able, take additional steps to bring their physical appearance more
in line with their gender.
A year
passed and my breasts stopped growing, stalled less than a full A-cup. For the
time being, I was glad to have anything, but I didn’t give up hope that one day
I’d be able be able to fill out a bra without any padding. But my life was
turning upside down, or right side up, and that day wouldn’t arrive for three
more years. I was struggling with the challenges of finding my way in this
world as a middle age trans woman. But
I made do, like I had been since I was a child. Fake it till you make it, isn’t that the expression.
With a new job and improved health insurance I had the
opportunity to make some more significant changes to my body and continue the
process of becoming whole. So six
months ago I had major plastic surgery to alter my face and make it more
feminine. As I recovered and became more confident in my appearance, I realized it was time for the next
step. So earlier this Fall, I met with a local surgeon to discuss getting
breast implants. He was highly regarded and I immediately liked his manner, very professional. In
addition to going over the procedure in detail, we discussed style, shape, and
of course, size. With the help of a nurse, I tried various samples, fitting the
silicone implants into my bra then looking into the mirror. I was immediately
overcome with emotion. The nurse noticed and with a warm smile said, you’re
going to love them.
It’s curious to me that when I started telling people about
my breast augmentation, all they wanted to know was what size I was
getting? When I told them each
implant was going to be 260cc’s, they seemed confused. What cup size is that? They questioned
further. “I dunno, maybe a healthy
B?” was my usual reply. I wonder
what people would have said if I told them I was getting double DDs?

By the way, now that I have breasts, I wonder when I’ll get
my first period?
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